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written by Rowan

Montessori Practical Life Invitations

Practical life 'lessons' are purposeful activities, designed to provide real life experiences for children, to help them develop fine and gross motor control and coordination, independence, and a sense of responsibility. These types of activities are highly appealing to young children because they are

real life skills that they are motivated to master.

Practical life lessons are divided into three main areas: self care, care of the environment, and grace and courtesy.

Self Care

Self care lessons include dressing and undressing, hand washing, brushing hair and teeth, packing for a day trip or an overnight stay. As a toddler, my daughter was so excited and pleased with herself when she learned how to put on her own coat, using the Montessori coat 'flip'. You can watch a video here...

There are some great ideas for creating Montessori-inspired self care stations, including a nose wiping station (!) in this blog post...

Care of the environment

Care of the environment lessons include pouring and spooning, sweeping the floor, dish washing, setting the table, and caring for animals and plants. Young children love these types of activities and, if they're given the opportunity to practice these important life skills in a manageable way, then life at home can become more manageable too.

Below are some simple ideas that could easily be set up in your home or child care setting. Or, if you don't have the time or resources, you can purchase them from my online shop.

Grace and courtesy

Lessons in grace and courtesy include how the child moves around the setting, how they move furniture, how they greet one another, saying 'please' and 'thank you', how to interrupt someone, even how to cough and sneeze! Grace and courtesy lessons provide the child with the vocabulary, actions and steps required to build awareness around social expectations and the consideration of others.

Scooping and measuring:

Montessori Practical Life Scooping and Measuring 'Invitation', £22

For further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

Montessori Practical Life Scooping and Measuring 'Invitation', £12

For further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

Fine motor control:

Montessori Fine Motor Control Ring Tree, £16

Fir further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

Montessori Practical Life Lock and Key Treasure Box, £12

For further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

Montessori Fine Motor Control Starfish, £11

There are three of these available, in green, blue and red. For further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

Montessori Practical Life Connecting Links, £6.50

There are two of these available, in transparent and white. For further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

Montessori Practical Life Peg Tin, £5

For further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

Montessori Practical Life Posting Tin, £5

For further details, or to purchase, you can click here.

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